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Assignment 4 Week 7 Term Research Project & Presentation

Assignment 4 Week 7 Term Research Project & Presentation

Q Assignment #4 - Term Research Project and Presentation  Assignment #4 – Term Research Project and Presentation: Due Week 8 by Tuesday, Midnight The Term Research Project is a narrated presentation on a management communication topic of your choosing from what we have learned in the course. You will conduct research and then develop and deliver a short power point presentation. You will incorporate 2 other sources in your presentation separate from your text. Research your chosen topic 1.       Review your text and additional source on the topic of your choice. Provide a definition/explanation of the topic and multiple examples from both personal/career experience. Present your findings. 1.     Create 5-8 slides on your topic and include a narrated audio presentation using Powerpoint for PC or Keynote for the Mac on your topic. Your presentation should be 8-10 minutes and at minimum 5 slides. Your slides should include proper citation of source (research) material. In addition to the 5 slides, you will include a cover slide on the topic of the presentation as well as a reference slide at the end of your presentation. Due date: Tuesday of Week 8, midnight "How to" Tips: Here are helpful links for producing a narrated Powerpoint presentation: -- YouTube instruction video on how to add narration: You have several to choose from: A text file of instructions for adding narration: Once you have completed your Narrated Powerpoint or Keynote presentation, you will want to upload it to the forum, Week 8 Assignment #4. If you have issues with uploading your document, you can email your document to me directly at but only after you have first reached out to me.  Be sure to view the instructional video at the top of our eLearning module, "How to upload a narrated presentation..." - Uploading a narrated presentation in Powerpoint:  - Uploading a narrated presentation in Keynote: Choosing a Topic: Since you will be spending time researching, developing a point of view, and presenting on this topic, please choose something that you are passionate about.  There are many options.  Please choose from the list below.  If you select a topic that is not on the list, just seek my approval first. Suggested presentation topics: ·         Forms of Communication (General or specific such as ‘non-violent communication’ ·         Management by Walking Around ·         Communicating across multiple generations (General or specific such as communicating with millennials in the workplace) ·         Team building ·         Generational stereotypes ·         Differences of leaders and managers ·         Communication styles ·         Managing change ·         Motivating employees ·         Performance appraisals and feedback ·         Resumes ·         Interviewing skills ·         How to present your topic (preparing your topic, identifying the appropriate medium to present it, knowing your audience, etc.) Consider speaking with a Library Research Instruction representative about how to frame and develop your topic. They are an excellent resource and are ready to help you. You may visit the University Library in person or make an appointment or make use of their excellent online resources, including databases. You can also visit the reference desk, call (415)442-7244, or email to consult with any librarian who is on duty. General Notes on Developing Your Slides and Presentation Term projects are designed to reflect research as well as demonstrate effective presentation skills, including organization, content, and delivery. There is no one perfect way to present. It is important to harness your strengths and honor your own style. Brainstorm, outline and organize your presentation (see organization tips in the textbook and further below). Select a topic, then set up the major subdivisions. Your topic should relate to management communications.   Remember to support your points, be specific (use examples, statistics, quotes, etc) and reference your sources. Include brief citations in-slide (name and year) and full citations on the Reference List at the end of your presentation. Organization of Your Final Product  - Slide Presentation As you will read in the textbook, there are different ways to organize a presentation and paper, but here is a common one to consider: I.              Introduction: The key to a good introduction is to introduce the topic briefly and to outline the structure of the presentation or paper. Start with a grabber like a meaningful story, or a provocative quote or compelling statement, or humor. In other words, make the audience want to hear the presentation. Remember the WIFM (What's In it For Me) question in the audience's mind. Purpose of presentation Organization of presentation Transition   II.             Summary (Background/General) Set the stage (using 2-3 major points) Transition III.            Identify the focus of your topic Introduce the focus of your topic Cover all major issues Provide examples for context (2 would be good, either personal or career) Summarize Transition IV.           Conclusion/Recommendations Restate the topic of your presentation ·         Review the main points ·         Provide a conclusion which could be a reflections of the topic or a reflection of your thoughts in developing your presentation V.    Reference list of sources used    Sources:  You should cite at least three different, independent sources for your research. For a source to count towards the minimum three, it must be substantial.  Our textbook does count.  You need to cite at least two other sources, which are the core of your research and findings. Remember, this is a research project. Try to find sources that come from professional organizations or magazines/journals. Do not use sources such as Wikipedia as these are not considered credible sources. Again, work with the University Library for assistance.   Grading Rubric Your presentation will be graded on the following criteria: 1) Demonstrated level of depth, detail, and insight -- Go beyond general statements and surface-level findings, and it should be clear that you conducted outside research.  Cover the major and most important points. Provide insights and support for your points based on research (cite your sources!). You may also include personal observations and examples where they support your points and findings. 2) Demonstrated research-- Remember that this is a research project presentation, not just your personal opinions.  Cite your sources and give attribution, which means that if you say something important from your research, tell us which source said that.  You can use phrases like, "According to [source article or person]" or "Study findings by [Source] shows that..."  You should include citations on the slide where they occur as well as all together at the end (a Reference List as your last slide.) 3) Effective organization-- Organize your presentation in a way that is engaging and flows logically.  See tips above and in the textbook, including setting the structure of the talk, giving a opening that grabs the audience, providing compelling content and closing strongly. 4) Clear, concise and engaging delivery. Demonstrate principles discussed in the textbook for effective presentation. 5) Accurate spelling/grammar and adherence to APA guidelines, including citing references/source material.  You should have brief citations during the body of the presentation with a list of full references at the end (as per APA guidelines).

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